Falck enters partnership with IFC and IFU in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan nations will be the focus for the joint venture within primary and secondary health care services for the growing middle classes.
Sub-Saharan nations will be the focus for the joint venture within primary and secondary health care services for the growing middle classes.
During the last days, Falck has followed the situation in Paris closely. We have continuous-ly evaluated the situation, and the need for Falck’s presence in Paris is declining. There-fore, the crisis team Falck sent to Paris on Saturday has now has left the French capital.
Falck has completed the 100% acquisition of an Australian eastern states emergency response company, Deanmac Emergency Services Pty Ltd.
When people experience a dramatic incident like the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, most of us subsequently will experience more or less strong reactions. The person will enter a kind of state of emergency and experience a feeling of being unfamiliar with his/her own body. This perfectly normal symptom shows that the process of understanding what happened has begun.
After the terrorist attack in Paris Friday night, Falck deploys a crisis team to Paris to pro-vide support and advice to Nordic travellers who are now in the city. Falck Global Assis-tance has already been contacted by several travellers.
Falck Global Assistance was awarded Assistance Company of the Year at the 13th ITIJ Industry Awards at the Megaron Concert Hall in Athens, Greece, on November 5th 2015.
Falck has partnered up with the Swiss Emergency Medical Services (EMS) company Käch AG, which is the extracted Emergency Medical Services-business from Heinrich Käch AG. In addition, Falck has partnered with the company MoPi.ch, a provider of qualified transport services to hospitals in the Swiss canton Bern.
By agreement with Allan Søgaard Larsen, Falck’s Group CEO, Jesper Lok will leave his position as CEO of Falck’s Emergency-division.
Within just six month, Falck won new ambulance contracts in Orange County, Salem and Aurora. The contracts represent a significant growth for Falck in the US.
A group of extraordinary roadside service officers from Norway is the focus point of a new documentary series produced by National Geographic Channel. The series is called “Heroes of the Winter Roads” (“Vinterveiens helter”) and has recently premiered across Europe.
Falck will be a main sponsor for the first European congress on emergency medical services, EMS 2016 in Copenhagen.
As of today, Falck is the majority shareholder in one of the two largest emergency providers in the Finnish market.
For more than a century, Falck has worked with local and national governments to prevent accidents, diseases and emergency situations, to rescue and assist people in emergencies quickly and competently and to rehabilitate people after illness or injury. This has made Falck an international leader in emergency response and healthcare services.
Falck operates in 30 countries and has approximately 27,000 employees.
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2450 Copenhagen SV