Falck to operate ambulance services throughout Region Zealand
Falck will be providing ambulance services to all people of Region Zealand. That is the consequence of a decision made by the Regional Council at its meeting held Thursday evening.
Falck will be providing ambulance services to all people of Region Zealand. That is the consequence of a decision made by the Regional Council at its meeting held Thursday evening.
Falck has been awarded the contract for ambulance services in what used to be Roskilde County, having submitted the best bid in terms of quality, supply security and price.
For more than a century, Falck has worked with local and national governments to prevent accidents, diseases and emergency situations, to rescue and assist people in emergencies quickly and competently and to rehabilitate people after illness or injury. This has made Falck an international leader in emergency response and healthcare services.
Falck operates in 30 countries and has approximately 27,000 employees.
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2450 Copenhagen SV